The Danger of Thinking for Yourself

Art Good
3 min readDec 5, 2021

The Risks of Being Awake

We’re the most discriminated group in history.


Because we tell you the truth. That’s why you hate us.

Think of a time you were sleep and someone tried to wake you up.

It pissed you off a little bit, huh?

No one likes an alarm clock, but it’s time to wake up.

Not to be confused with woke.

Woke has been compromised and hijacked. A derogatory slur describing someone pretending to be something they’re not. They’re pretending to be aware, but they’re dreaming.

The few who occupy this true Awake realm of consciousness are striving to solve the mysteries of existence for the liberation of humanity. For us, every other pursuit is secondary.

If you found yourself with amnesia in a moving truck, with several other people and a TV on — wouldn’t you want to know why you’re on the truck— or would you argue over which channel to watch?

That’s us on planet Earth. Immersed in a mystery we’ve given up exploring. Instead we’re fighting over what we see on screens.

Some of us still ponder the unknown and search for truth. Some of us are Awake.

‘Authorities’ don’t want us doing too much searching for truth. They’ve given us predetermined answers within the content we consume. The inquiry allowed within this framework is severely limited. This is all fed to us through a small centralized apparatus.

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum
Noam Chomsky

There’s a war on humanity. It’s the only war that’s ever been fought.

We’re losing. Our enemy would have you to believe it’s irreversible. But if that were true, they wouldn’t need propaganda.

In contrast to those lies, the forgotten or hidden truths, is what the awake ask us to consider. For this, they’ve been crucified for millennia.

Jesus preached love over war, then those profiting from war, waged war on him.

Princess Diana brought attention to the poverty of colonialism. Usually the royals aim to distract us from it. Then she was murdered — I mean wrecked.

”This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous. My husband is planning an accident in my car, brake failure or some serious head injury…”
Princess Diana

Tupac said, “they have money for war but can’t feed the poor.” Shortly after he was choked by police. Then later shot by a known FBI cooperater, all before his execution a year later. The case is still unsolved.

Were these powerful and influential historical figures awake in a world of the asleep?

Is that why they were murdered?

They say, in the land of the blind the man with one eye is king.

In reality, the one who can see gets their head chopped off.

Some of us might not have massive platforms, and therefore aren’t as threatening to the powers that be, so we don’t warrant such sophisticated assassinations.

But we fight the same fight.

Ostracized by peers. Punished by teachers. Forgotten by politicians. Fired from jobs. Threats to the establishment.

The FBI might not be plotting my assassination, but if my platform keeps growing, one day they might.

We’re being slowly eradicated from this system. A system we don’t fit.

All dissidence is being terminated. It’s always been this way.

That’s the risk we live with. That’s the price I pay for keeping my soul.

It’s not easy being awake but at at least I can sleep at night.


